Supplying and installing double glazing across Scunthorpe for over 30 years

Aluminium Windows

Aluminium windows are one of the most durable and long-lasting types of windows available on the market. Featuring robust build, powder-coated aluminium frames and high quality glazing, these windows are made to last!

We understand that every customer’s preferences are unique, and that’s why we offer a diverse range of colours and finishes for our aluminium windows. Whether you seek a modern, sleek appearance or a classic, timeless style, we have the perfect match for your home’s architecture and interior design. Our wide array of options ensures that you’ll find the ideal window style that harmonises flawlessly with your property’s aesthetics.

Our commitment to excellence extends to the quality of our products and services. We use premium-grade aluminium, ensuring that your windows are durable and able to withstand the elements for years to come. Our windows are designed with energy efficiency in mind, helping you save on utility bills while contributing to a greener environment.

Whether you choose our supply-only option for DIY installation or prefer our professional installation service, you can trust in the quality and craftsmanship of our aluminium windows. We strive to exceed your expectations, making the entire process seamless and enjoyable.

Supply-only Aluminium Windows across Scunthorpe & Doncaster

Discover our diverse selection of supply-only aluminium windows, perfect for a wide range of projects. Whether you’re in Scunthorpe, Doncaster, or nearby areas, our premium aluminium windows are at your disposal on a supply-only basis. Alternatively, opt for our expert installation service for a hassle-free experience. Reach out to us today to explore how we can assist you.

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From Our Blog

Handling Unexpected Window Damage: A Guide to Emergency Double Glazing Repairs

Picture this: it’s a quiet evening at home, and suddenly you hear a loud crash from the living room. You rush over to find that one of your double glazed windows has been damaged, whether by a stray ball, severe weather, or some other unforeseen event. In such moments of panic, knowing what to do […]


You can rest assured that we will deliver the highest quality service and products at a competitive price.

Accreditations and manufacturers

We’re part of trusted accreditation schemes and choose some of the best manufacturers in the country.