Autumn can still give us mild sunny days that make us want to spend time outside even though the nights are getting shorter. Autumn is also the time to make sure your home’s exterior is up to the task as those wet, windy winter days draw nearer. Here are some autumn home maintenance suggestions to help you and your family stay cosy this winter.
Upgrade to double glazing
Do you still have single-pane windows or outdated double-pane windows with thick frames and small viewing areas? Installing the most recent double glazing technology can significantly enhance your home’s appearance and increase its kerb appeal, in addition to improving your home’s insulation. You can anticipate a warmer winter by installing new double-glazed units in the autumn, and you’ll start to recoup the cost through lower energy costs.
Giving your double glazing a thorough inspection now as this will prevent issues during the upcoming winter. Check for condensation between the panes to see if any of the seals have blown. Check all window latches to make sure they seal and lock the windows when closed and make sure hinges are screwed firmly into the frame and move freely.
Inspect and clean your guttering
Many homeowners are unaware of the long-term harm that leaking or damaged gutters can do to their homes. In the UK, a winter’s worth of rainwater cascading over clogged or damaged gutters can cause interior walls to become damp. If you have old gutters and downpipes with leaky joints, it might be best to replace them.
Check to make sure joints are sealed, brackets are tight and damage-free, and downpipes are stable while clearing your gutters of debris. Additionally, now is a good time to visually check your roof for cracked or missing ridges and roof tiles. Try to hold off on cleaning your gutters if your house is surrounded by tall deciduous trees until the majority of the leaves have fallen.
Check for draughts in doors
One simple but often overlooked task is to check for draughts. Cold air can enter your home through any number of small openings, and over time this can have a significant impact on your energy bill. In fact, research has shown that drafts can account for up to 30% of heat loss in a typical home. So, before the cold weather sets in, take a few minutes to check around your doors and windows for any gaps or cracks.
At Humberside Glazing, we offer repair services for misted/steamed-up double glazing, broken glass panes, damaged hinges, handles, or locking strips, damaged door infill panels, and old, inefficient double glazing.
Give us a call today to see how we can help you improve your home for winter!